June 2024 FN Update

Covering news for life’s survival in the 21st Century since 1999 is a humongous task. Flyby News initial goal after exposing the high risk NASA “flyby” of Earth with 72.3 pounds of radioactive plutonium on board, was to stop the expansion of the arms race into outer space and to reverse it to abolish weapons and technologies capable of the mass destruction to life. With the overtaking of NASA’s civilian component of space exploration by the military industrial complex, our efforts have not been successful.

It was after the events of September 11, 2001 when offensive weapons from Earth were introduced into space. This challenged a not-for-profit online news website to look back to understand why the peaceful use of space treaty was rejected for almost constant war, especially since the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy. It is fitting that in this last year for FN to be updated after 25 years we are supporting Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. as an independent running for President of the United States. Although his position in supporting Israel over Gaza is disgusting during a plausible genocide, still his platform would improve our chances for world peace and health in a much greater way than either of the 2 Party candidates he is running against.

After more than 55 years after the faking of man landing on the moon, NASA still cannot accomplish sending life safely beyond low Earth orbit. Flyby News has one of the most extensive resources to prove this military psychological operation on the Internet. However, the persuasive power of the media systems is so strong that most people will believe what they think is true without researching both sides of the issue. This is true also when people were frightened by the created pandemic and the warped speed indictment of mRNA jab policies that did much greater harm than benefit.

10 June, 2024 – McCullough, MD
The mRNA-LNP Vaccines – the
Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Litmus Tests for Truth and Transformation

The August 17, 2024 25th Cassini flyby anniversary will be a time for reflection on such events and to share plans for the rest of this year and beyond. There is still a chance that our species can evolve beyond war and abolish such weapons and threats to life. One way would be when NASA will have to come clean about lying about man traveling and stepping on the moon in the Apollo missions from 1969 to 1972. Then NASA may reveal the whistleblower, Bart Jordan and the message on Mars. The message to humanity was placed on Mars and from the orbits of its two satellites, Phobos and Deimos in pre-ice-age times and embedded into languages on Earth that were deciphered by Jordan since he was about five years old. Of course, this may be unbelievable information until it is confirmed by NASA and scholars around the world with the evidence that he has published at Flyby News.

Aug. 9, 2018 – 58:00 Running Time

.Truth is so obscure in these times,

and falsehood so established, that,

unless we love the truth,

we cannot know it.

– Blaise Pascal

Life Rhythms poetry blog

17 Aug. 2024 – Greenfield, MA
Flyby News 25th Anniversary

Flyby News is educational and nonviolent in focus,
and has supported critical campaigns for a healthy
environment, human rights, justice, and nonviolence,
since the launch of NASA’s Cassini space probe in 1997.

News Fit to Transmit in the Post Cassini Flyby Era

About FlybyNews

Flyby News (FN) came out of the campaign to stop or expose the high risk NASA Cassini (plutonium) Earth flyby. FN's first campaign at the turn of the millennium was to prevent the expansion of the arms race and US domination of the planet with space-based weapons. Yet the theft of democracy in the US 2000 election, the Supreme Court appointment of George W. Bush as US President, and the events of September 11, 2001, led to the termination of the 1972 Ballistic Missile Treaty, along with many other actions of crimes against humanity and civil freedom. The exploitation and cover-up of September 11, 2001 led to illegal, deceptive wars, which has accelerated climate change, and the downfall of financial and social justice. Flyby News is educational and nonviolent in focus, and has supported critical campaigns for a healthy environment, human rights, justice, peace, and nonviolence, since the launching of NASA's Cassini space probe in 1997. Flyby News' Fair Use Policy and much more information @ FlybyNews.com
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1 Response to June 2024 FN Update

  1. Pingback: The mRNA-LNP Vaccines – the Good, the Bad and the Ugly | FlybyNews

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