The insidious face of a pandemic of variants

This June 1st video just came to me from a friend on facebook with this following text. I requested permission to mention his name.. and will edit this if i receive it:

01 June, 2021 – Youtube (35:58) – Geert Vanden Bossche

The insidious face of a pandemic of variants

Facebook might actually allow this video to appear because it is NOT anti-vaccines. Bossche does not discuss harmful effects of vaccines or treatments that have been suppressed. However he does warn that the current mass vaccination campaigns, though helpful to many people in the short run, will produce a medical catastrophe over time. His argument does make sense and is internally consistent unlike what we are hearing from medical “authorities”, particularly in the US and Uk where present administrations seem to be guaranteeing the evolution of an ongoing pandemic while mounting a multi front attack on the scientific method. He explains in evolutionary terms why the present mandates and official policies will prevent herd immunity and prolong the pandemic indefinitely or until a better vaccine is developed that does not compromise the innate immune system. When I listen to discussions in the mainstream media I hear nothing but simplistic nonsense. Every question is framed as if the only answer was black or white.

FN’s Health and Spiritual Blog
The Devolution of Pandemics

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since the launch of NASA’s Cassini space probe in 1997.

News Fit to Transmit in the Post Cassini Flyby Era

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