Censorship hits home – Zelenko’s Passing

Flyby News – If you wish to subscribe write to FlybyNews.com@gmail.com

Just yesterday our dear Dr. Vladamir Zev Zelenko passed forth from our time and space dimension. Rather than to think of him in the past tense, his presence is much appreciated in the here and now. A new video of him was recently posted by Mikki Willis.


The following embedded video contains the last message by Dr. Zelenko’s from his hospital bed, shared by Dr. Judy Mikovits in her newsletter: “..we honor Dr. Vladamir Zelenko, a man who treasured humanity and lived powerfully in his purpose to heal others. Thank you, Dr. Zelenko, for making our world a better place, and for providing health solutions that have impacted millions globally. .”

Last Message – Dr Vladimir Zelenko-

O eons of darkness, eternal night
you are only a backdrop to wondrous light.
And here I might find through the core of self
the entrance to illuminate, to perceive,
to flow with atoms expelling light
as a river of purity in the deepness of night.

The FN health and spiritual blog also has a poem called Death. The HighWire show this week also showed positive elements in dealing with the tragedies, the family disconnections during a time of eugenics and totalitarianism. It is sneaking into most every area in our world.  Episode 274 – “Life After Lockdowns and Mandates Paints a Destructive Picture For Our Children; This Side Effect of Covid Vaccine Should Have Every Man’s Attention; Take Control of Your Own Health, Live the Fab Life Guest: Dr. Fabrizio Mancini” – https://thehighwire.com/watch/

FN posted a response to the question on Quora – Why aren’t you vaccinated?

In my small town that I used to think of a place for independence and safeguarding our natural world, their newsletter rejected my response to what they published in the June, 2022 issue: “People who have been vaccinated and boosted have much lower risk of severe illness and death than unvaccinated people.” This following is how the July newsletter dealt with my letter, which is also posted below: 

“Editor’s Note: The newsletter received a comment about information contained in the Board of Health submission last month concerning vaccination and Covid-19. People who disagree with the statements are encouraged to search out information to assist them in evaluating options which meet their needs.”  

That was some encouragement — while leaving out the substance and resources mentioned in my letter. 

In the June newsletter it was written “People who have been vaccinated and boosted have much lower risk of severe illness and death than unvaccinated people.” I realize that is what the media and their health advocates announce, but is it true? There should be more of a debate on this issue, and there are many authoritative scientists and medical doctors capable of that, but there is much censorship and misinformation or disinformation misleading many. Now the FDA plans to support offering an “emergency authorized” vaccination to children 6 months and older.

Emergency authorized means that there have not been adequate tests to prove it is safe or helpful for the long term. Children have a 99.995% recovery rate, and a body of medical literature indicates that almost zero healthy children under five years old have died from COVID. Why experiment on children? Besides, the so-called vaccine, which is a gene therapy jab, does not stop transmission, and thus is unable to support herd immunity. It can also force the virus to evolve causing variants. Whereas our natural auto-immune system does support herd immunity, and provides greater protection from variant or evolved viruses.

Masks and jabs are controversial due to big pharma and media interests. Control of populations is more of an issue for most governments than the health of its people. Money has a corrupting influence, and the media seems to have produced a brainwashing effect on citizens and many town officials. After more than two years of a failed health policy we should have learned how to defeat a contagious coronavirus that was likely released from a bio-weapon laboratory. I publish a health blog on my website – FlybyNews.com with a section on pandemics that can provide you with resources to consider what is true and what is untrue. Someday I may get invited to join the community email list again. Science demands debate, otherwise claimed science is actually propaganda.

My friend too had a similar response in her town:

Censorship is disgusting and alive right here in Shutesbury too.

Ecricket will not allow anything to be said about covid. 😦

Next Door Shutesbury bullies the life out of anyone speaking out-and now the historical commission seat I held is lost as of tomorrow. 😦 and this is because I spoke out about how irresponsible this town is to allow the elementary school building to go in disrepair for too many years, risking our children’s health. Oh-I also spoke out about how the board of health here is risking our lives by one-installing that cell tower in a neighborhood and two-demanding employees get the vaccine or lose sick pay-(if they’ve already used covid sick pay and do not have a vaccine they won’t get paid anymore!) It is an outrage! Someone on the BOH sent the police to my house! over a political sign—anyway-I think I am experiencing fascism. 😦 and the small towns are getting it worse-because no one pays attention. :/

Throughout my lifetime I have found that most fear what is true rather than embracing it. Some will hold on to half truths and when put together they create whole lies. This is true from every Administration especially since 1963 when the real coup happened.

Apocalypse and lifting of veil
JFK & 9-11

And although many simply want to believe in the lies of an authoritarian narcissist, what is.. is!

January 6, 2021 – Select Committee – U.S. Congress
To Investigate the January 6th Attack on the U.S. Capitol

The big question is when will the left and right unite in what we know is true, beyond half truths?

Time for 3rd Party – Independents Rising Up

On the above question, help me convince Mikki Willis to release Plandemic 3 this September first as a DVD for public viewing, before streaming Online. Let’s get the discussions rolling about that film series and what we know is true based on objective facts and not twisted lies.

PLANDEMIC 1, 2, & 3

Plandemic 3 – 06:58
Mattias Desmet – Mass Formation


02 August, 2022 – Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
‘A Letter to Liberals’: Why I Wrote It
and Why I Hope You’ll Read It

22 April, 2022 – Russell Blaylock
COVID Update: What is the truth?

01 July, 2022 – Quora – Jonathan Mark
My answer to Why aren’t you vaccinated?

30 June, 2022 – FN – Dr. Mercola
Why 3 COVID Jabs Are Worse Than 2

15 June, 2022 – 1:28:16 – Mercola
The Psychology of Totalitarianism
Interview with Mattias Desmet

18 June, 2022 – FN – Dr. Mercola
Treatment Protocol for Vaccine Injured
With Dr. Pierre Kory + Dr. Paul Marik

12 June, 2022 – 50:16 – Ed Dowd
CV19 Vax Deadliest Fraud in History

Thursdays 2:00 PM (ET – USA)
TheHighWire with Del Bigtree

28 June, 2022 – HW – 08:00
Mom Exposes Bunk COVID VAX Data

27 June, 2022 – Hill – 14:04
HYPOCRISY On Full Display
Pro-Mandate, Pro-Choice Crowd
Screams My Body My Choice!

12 June, 2022 – FN – Jonathan Mark
Understanding What We’re Up Against

10 April, 2022 – 08:38 – Dr. Paul Thomas
Let’s Compare the Vaccinated to the Unvaccinated

05 October, 2021 – Flyby News
Covid-19 Giants – FN suspended from Facebook

12 June, 2022 – Mercola
The Past 2 Years, a Picnic
Compared to What’s Coming?

10 June, 2022 – RFK, Jr.
It’s Time to Follow the Science

FN Health and Spiritual Blog
The Devolution of Pandemics

“There are only two mistakes

one can make along the road to truth:

Not going all the way, and not starting.”

– The Buddha

To subscribe or unsubscribe write to FlybyNews.com@gmail.com
Over 300 email addresses subscribed – thanks for reading/sharing

Flyby News is educational and nonviolent in focus,
and has supported critical campaigns for a healthy
environment, human rights, justice, and nonviolence,
since the launch of NASA’s Cassini space probe in 1997.

News Fit to Transmit in the Post Cassini Flyby Era

About FlybyNews

Flyby News (FN) came out of the campaign to stop or expose the high risk NASA Cassini (plutonium) Earth flyby. FN's first campaign at the turn of the millennium was to prevent the expansion of the arms race and US domination of the planet with space-based weapons. Yet the theft of democracy in the US 2000 election, the Supreme Court appointment of George W. Bush as US President, and the events of September 11, 2001, led to the termination of the 1972 Ballistic Missile Treaty, along with many other actions of crimes against humanity and civil freedom. The exploitation and cover-up of September 11, 2001 led to illegal, deceptive wars, which has accelerated climate change, and the downfall of financial and social justice. Flyby News is educational and nonviolent in focus, and has supported critical campaigns for a healthy environment, human rights, justice, peace, and nonviolence, since the launching of NASA's Cassini space probe in 1997. Flyby News' Fair Use Policy and much more information @ FlybyNews.com
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10 Responses to Censorship hits home – Zelenko’s Passing

  1. Pingback: The Devolution of Pandemics | FlybyNews

  2. Pingback: Pathologist Speaks Out About COVID Jab Effects | FlybyNews

  3. Pingback: Independence and COVID Jab Effects | FlybyNews

  4. Pingback: Why the Ukraine War Is a Scam | FlybyNews

  5. Pingback: How the Media Secretly Carries Out Assignments for the CIA | FlybyNews

  6. Pingback: Resources for Reclaiming a Lost USA Republic | FlybyNews

  7. Pingback: How Vaccine Trials Routinely Rig the Results | FlybyNews

  8. flybynews says:

    The above article was not published in my town’s June issue for the newsletter. Following is what I sent for the August issue. It explains many psy-ops covered by FN since 1999 –

    Flyby News (FN) is an independent Online source of information I began after confronting the military takeover of NASA during a high-risk “flyby” of Earth with a probe containing 72.3 pounds of highly radioactive plutonium on board (while traveling nearly 10 miles per second). Following that 18 August, 1999 “flyby” that thankfully did not inadvertently reenter Earth’s atmosphere, FN focused on stopping offensive weapons from entering outer space. It was after the events of September 11, 2001 that President Bush terminated the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty with Russia and expanded the arms race into outer space. As a result FN has been reporting on what was behind 9-11 and other key issues threatening most all life on our planet, which includes our beautiful homeland..

    Although these issues seemed threatening to many, I was not censored from sharing such information to the email list for our neighborhood, until fear gripped those in charge of the list when FN began exposing how medical science had been corrupted by big pharma, government, and media. People did not want to debate that issue due to fear, or a belief that the information could be harmful. But what about the harm of censorship and deception that many do not want to see? And what about the harm of bioweapon research and corrupt science to support an emergency authorized gene therapy jab, which had to deny other methods doctors were using successfully to treat Covid-19 with repurposed drugs like Ivermectin. (FN just published an article on peer-reviewed studies regarding efficacy of Ivermectin in SARS-CoV-2 infection.)

    We have all been isolated and divided into camps. This happens when censorship and fear grips our communities. This is the reason I am writing to our newsletter. My letter last month was not published. I hope this one is and that people can know more about the resources at FlybyNews.com – I welcome debate and would welcome finding anything at the website that I may need to retract. I also offer recommended products at a health blog. FN is not for profit and will continue until at least 18 August, 2024 on our 25th anniversary. My email is noflyby@yahoo.com and welcome communication.

    • flybynews says:

      Good news.. the newsletter excerpted part of my above letter and published it in the August issue. I plan to accept their invitation to place a FlybyNews.com business card ad in it for the next year or two..

      Meanwhile, my friend from Shutesbury tried to post a link from FN https://odysee.com/@Commentator:e4/video_2022-03-16_13-10-03:9 to the Ecricket that was rejected with their stating: “Hello, A message you sent to the group ECricket@groups.io was not approved by the moderators for the following reason: FlyByNews is not welcome on the eCricket.”

      I am convinced that sooner or later there will be a great awakening. I still see a way for the right and left to unite and overcome the 2-Party corrupt system. Both sides need to realize that science rather than bias, communication rather than censorship, democracy instead of authoritarian deception, will lead us toward a democracy, and that we still may have a government of, by, and for, we, the people. This following July 4th post has been updated, now including an embedded video of 30 seconds illustrating the brutality and mayhem of the January 6, 2001 so-called protest. https://flybynews.wordpress.com/2022/07/04/independence-and-covid-jab-effects/

  9. Pingback: HighWire – Life Rhythms – Censorship Sucks | FlybyNews

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